Evergreen Cemetery
Contact city hall for further information
View plots and deed information via satellite
Cemetery Rules and Forms
Spring cleanup begins on April 1st of each year. To assist the staff in the removal, process all persons are asked to remove above ground items that have been placed in grass area and around cement pads – including but not limited to: Sheppard hooks, wreaths, spinning wheels, flowers, solar lights, figurines, toys, flags, rocks, etc.. After April 10th persons will be permitted to place items on above ground fixtures i.e. saddles, vases, planters, and Sheppard hook type hangings as long as they do not interfere with mowing/trimming.
Decorations placed on the ground (grass area’s) are not permitted until nine days prior to Memorial Day. The post Memorial Day removal of flowers and other decorations placed on the ground will begin the day after Father’s Day of each year.