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The City owns and operates the Water, Sewer, and Storm Sewer Utilities. 



New platform for online billing and payment services.  Sign up under the "I want to tab" 


Public Safety


The police department provides 24/7 coverage to Clarion with 7 full-time officers and several reserves. The volunteer fire and ambulance services protect not only Clarion, but a large portion of Wright County. Visit the Police page.


Solid Waste and Recycling

The city contracts solid waste management and recycling to two companies.  For more details about these services, ​read this.






Parks, Shelters & Meeting Places


Parks include the downtown Gazebo Park, Fireman's Park, the Aquatic Center Park, and Lion's Park.  There are shelters at the Gazebo Park and Aquatic Center Park, and playgrounds are at all four parks.  

Evergreen Cemetery


Clarion's community cemetery is beautifully maintained by city crews. 








The Morgan Everts library doubled its size in 2009 in order to facilitate learning, sharing and creating in our community.  The additional space included a meeting room, programming room, and a local history area.  Great care was taken to insure a seamless integration between the historic 1907 building and the addition. Visit their website here.

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